About Greg

Greg is a professional family therapist and a long-serving White Ribbon Ambassador. He has been a family, individual and relationship therapist since 1990 and over that time has conducted over 14,000 clinical sessions, as a counsellor and clinical supervisor. Over the years he has gained experience in working with couples and individuals affected by a range of issues, including family violence, grief, infidelity, family breakdown, blended families, pornography, trauma, parenting adolescents, sexual abuse, depression, and anxiety.

Greg will be presenting 

Engaging women impacted by domestic violence

The effectiveness of a therapeutic or practical intervention is strongly influenced by the quality of the relationship established between the client and the helper. This workshop aims to raise and discuss issues relevant to the creation of a positive client/helper relationship.

2018 ICADV Forum – 12 Sept

  • We aim to bring quality guest speakers to our forums, to help us with the costs we welcome a donations
  • Please register for a place by filling in the online form below
  • Venue – Dapto Ribbonwood Centre
  • Registrations are open only to employees of services.
  • 2.00pm start